Daily Aquarius Horoscope June 26 (26/06)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

June 26


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 8/10

You could find yourself moved by a moment of clarity or epiphany of some kind but before you can allow others to have a glimpse of your discovery or findings, youll need to assess things further. Releasing or revealing information to others without forming your own opinion only encourages them to provide theirs. Be clear in your own mind about what intrigues you and why.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

If a feeling or urge to do something completely off the wall or unorthodox is becoming stronger, then allow it to emerge. Youre being encouraged to reveal your uniqueness in some way and its time others truly understood what a unique individual you are. Expressing yourself requires you to be your authentic self and that might be overdue.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

Menus in restaurants are intended to provide an overview of everything on offer. Were not expected to choose every item on one and choosing to seize a chance to enjoy every delectable item would only raise suspicions and cause problems. This week, youre aware of an array of choices available to you. The idea is, youre supposed to choose one, regardless of how tempting others might appear. Focus only on one that truly inspires you deeply.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

Matters relating to health and fitness receive strong focus and if youve postponed plans to get fitter, slimmer or kick a habit, then coming weeks bring energy and determination you need. You might need this extra energy to cope with demands at work as projects or assignments could be plonked on your desk or arrive in your inbox at rapid speed. A sensitive matter relating to a friend or group youre involved with could end or be taken to a new level. Either way, your involvement or connection is about to alter.


health aquarius daily

Star 8/10

Today you can feel in tune with your most important emotions. You might attempt to focus your energy on creating affection instead of simply unleashing it. You need plenty of affection in your life in order to feel your best. When words fail, try to give yourself the opportunity to express your needs through affecting others in a positive light. You have a special connection to the economy. Giving your time or money to a needy cause helps you feel pleasantly connected with the world.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You will feel sympathetic to the underdog today. You may also feel so sensitive that you get your feelings hurt through some kind of misunderstanding. Bolster your defense mechanisms with \"protective\" measures. Sign up for a self-defense class. Look into the martial arts as a new form of exercise to integrate into your repertoire. Give yourself the benefit of drinking plenty of water and substituting herbal tea for coffee every so often. Echinacea and chamomile are recommended.


health aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

The cosmos is encouraging you to put money aside in order to take better care of your health. This is a great time to create a health budget. Think about joining a gym. Look into the cost of eating more healthfully and creating nutritious and easily prepared meals. Don\t skimp on your well-being. It\s your best resource.


health aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

As the stirring energy of Mars enters your wellness zone on June 4, you may feel motivated to make all kinds of changes to your health routine. But it won\t help you to take on too many at once. Building new habits can take time, so opt for a step-by-step approach. Moods can also impact your progress, so if you don\t feel like doing something, you might decide to not even try. This would be something to work at, though. If you can push beyond this tendency in coming weeks, you can accomplish much, and you may feel more motivated to continue.


love aquarius daily

Star 10/10

The current astral configuration is perfect for a day and night of sheer fun. You certainly won\t feel like staying in alone, and will benefit immensely from getting involved with others in matters that interest you greatly. If you have been looking for romance, then one conversation may seem to hold great potential. Don\t expect things to develop quickly - but they can if you are really interested.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today\s astral configuration is great for romance. There is a natural warmth, compassion, and understanding in the air that enables people to make progress in all kinds of relationships, but especially love affairs. If you already feel deeply committed to one person, then expect this bond to become even stronger after the events that occur today. It may be the perfect occasion to celebrate what you have together.


love aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Focus on yourself as the week begins. There\s plenty of time to date. Just do you for now and the rest will fall into place. You aren\t in a joking mood over the weekend, so the energy is off when a date tries to make light of something you consider to be a serious situation. Can you get past it? If not, don\t make plans for a second date that you have no intention of keeping.


love aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

You\re looking for someone unique or unusual at the Sun/Neptune square on June 4, and just any ordinary relationship won\t do. You think too far outside the box to settle for what other people settle for, and the ordinary and mundane can be frustrating and unsatisfying. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 9 suggests that new exploits are on the way, but something needs to be finalized first. Getting closure is freeing in many ways. A Mars/Jupiter square on June 25 gives you permission to brag about your many talents, but you may be penalized for arrogance or self-centeredness. Sometimes you just can\t win.


career aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Don\t rely on others as much today as you might normally. Keep in mind that other people are not likely to have the depth and perception that you have when it comes to tasks around the workplace. If you want a job done right, do it yourself.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

While talking on the phone with someone today, make sure that all the details are clear. You may get stuck with the short end of the stick unless you completely understand the full restrictions and conditions associated with the matter at hand.


career aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

You can only overcome obstacles on the job when you\re 100 percent ready to let everything go. Change that you resist will continue to be a problem. It\s only when you surrender and accept defeat that new possibilities are free to emerge. Take a more relaxed approach now. Over time, things will improve. Friendship is a vital part of any good job. This period encourages developing greater closeness with the people you see every day.


career aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

An important group project will be completed in the days surrounding June 9. Your superiors will be impressed with the result. Don\t be surprised if you\re put in charge of a new division. People enjoy working with you. Your positive attitude is infectious. It\s easy to be innovative when you\re on the scene. You could be offered a stimulating job as June draws to a close. Getting paid to solve problems will be the answer to a prayer. You\d much rather fix problematic systems and products than complain about them. If you\ve been out of work, you could get a job offer that allows you to work from home.



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